Our Village Arts program is for students who are interested in visual, performing, culinary and fine arts. Students are encouraged to use art as a form of expression during these sessions.
We also offer rates for schools and non-profit orgs that want to bring these classes to their youth.

Village Fit focuses on holistic health, and making sure that our teens are active and well- mind, body, and spirit.
We offer workout classes, Girls on the Run (for 5th-8th grade girls) sports conditioning, mindfulness activities, nutrition classes, etc.

Village FYRE offers various recreational activities that are fun, engaging, learning experiences.
Activities like Teen Night, Village Talk, and gaming tournaments are included in this program.

Village Future offers students the opportunity to learn life skills, explore college and career options, and to realize the importance of giving back to their community.
Our Scholarship Program, Black business job shadowing and volunteer opportunities are some of the highlights this program offers.